Social media and disease awareness campaigns

Disease awareness campaigns are increasingly crucial as communications become more patient-centric, empowering patients to become active stakeholders in their own health care. Whether you aim to launch a comprehensive 360° disease awareness campaign or focus solely on social media, public campaigning isn’t simply about content sharing. Instead, it’s about sparking meaningful conversations, a language in which we are proficient.

Disease awareness campaigns

Crafting patient campaigns allows creative agencies like us to leverage a wider range of channels compared to when we target physicians. We devise innovative and visually stunning campaigns that are deployed across various platforms such as social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok), online advertisements and banners (Google Ads, Teads), outdoor media, landing pages, and Google search ads.

Furthermore, we have the capability to collaborate with influencers or top-tier content creators like artists and stand-up comedians, augmenting the reach and impact of our vibrant campaigns.

See our case study

Social media campaigns

Our social media campaign services are designed to drive target audience engagement, boost brand recognition, and stimulate meaningful dialogue around health and pharmaceutical topics. We create robust digital ecosystems focused on driving awareness, educating patients, and transforming them into active stakeholders in their own healthcare journey. Our compliance-conscious content resonates with your audience across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok.

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Dashboards, tracking, and KPIs

How many impressions, clicks, conversions should you aim for? With our tailored-made dashboards, you will be able to check your daily results and optimise your online campaigns.

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