The Bloc Switzerland carried out an international re-branding for Songwon and created their website with the new human touch. For the K-Fair, Songwon commissioned us with the design of their booth.

Songwon brochures

We combined the imagery, ideology and philosophy of the company and incorporated these pillars into a modern print product.

Songwon annual report 2016Songwon annual report 2017Songwon annual report 2018Songwon annual report 2019

Two event documentaries were produced about Songwon's participation in K-Fair. Our film team worked for a week, 24/7 - shooting during the day and editing at night. The films were released immediately after the fair.

We designed a booth for the K-Fair Exhibition. In cooperation with a nordic company, we built the booth from scratch out of fireproof wood. The booth served as a sales and consulting area for Songwon products.

Songwon K-Fair Booth